There are a lot of people who claim that they always lack sleep. This should be taken seriously as there could be a lot of factors involved that causes sleep disturbances. There are different types of insomnia as well and it is important that you know which of this you are suffering from before you go find the cure.

A lot of people seek help from medical professionals because they cannot fall or stay asleep. In the past year, more and more people have gone to ask for help regarding their sleeping conditions. Data from the Department of Health and Human Services show that, on 2007, there are about 64M Americans suffering from insomnia while 10% of that are diagnosed with chronic conditions.

There are three types of insomnia – transient, acute or chronic. Transient insomnia lasts not more than 7 days while acute or short-term insomnia may last up to 3 weeks. The causes for these short-lasting sleep disturbances are too much caffeine, too much food ingested at night or there has been a change in your normal routines and activities.

Physical stressors such as too much noise or too much light can keep you awake. You can also acquire insomnia when you are anticipating a big event in your life which makes you feel afraid or anxious. You might be about to take an exam or be moving out of your parent’s house. Changes in your work shifts can also damage your body clock and cause you to have insomnia for a couple of days or weeks. There are over the counter or prescription pills that could help you fall asleep.

Chronic insomnia can last for more than a month and can be caused by a physical or mental condition. This is referred to as primary (disorder) insomnia. On the other hand, when insomnia is only a symptom of an underlying condition, it is referred to as secondary disorder.

Pharmacists are continually exploring new drugs that could help people who complain of sleep deprivation. It is known that insomnia can lead to decreased alertness, increased anxiety and stress as well as aches and pains.

To help improve sleep and restfulness, there are a lot of pharmacy companies such as that of Dr Hootan Melamed that develop new medicines for insomnia view this article. Just recently they have announced the new drug they have come up with. If people who do not get enough sleep address these issues, insomnia can be prevented.

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