Yes, you have to change your implants after several years. I’m not saying you have to have it taken out after five years.  That largely depends on the situation. You might know some women who have had the same implants for a decade or so but that does not guarantee that their implants do not need to be replaced.

Breast silicone and saline implants need to be taken out and exchanged for a fresh pair after a couple of years, say 10-15 years. Yes, there may be no need for breast implant exchange if you do not develop some complications such as serious scarring, capsular contraction or implant rupture. However, implants are not permanent; you have to go back to your doctor after some time to know if you need to have them replaced.

How will you know that your implants need to be replaced?

Have you observed some change in your implant placement or size? Can you feel some discomfort on your chest? Do you think your cup size could have a little improvement? These are some of the questions that you have to ask yourself to know whether or not your implants need to be explanted and replaced. We’ll tackle these in detail shortly.

Visit this must-see site for breast implant information

Change in Implant Size or Shift in Placement

One of the common choices of implants is saline-filled implants. The problem with these implants is they can leak and there can be obvious change in shape and size. Though saline implants are not dangerous to the body, the noticeable change in the size and shape of the breasts would call for a revision surgery. Sometimes, the implants move from their desired positions and could result to deformed breasts. 

Complications Can Cause Discomfort or Pain

Breast surgery complications should be addressed promptly before these lead to more serious conditions. Capsular contracture can occur in some cases and there can be pain or discomfort when the scar tissue (capsule) tightens around the implants. The plastic surgeon knows how to handle such situations. You should call him as soon as you see some bleeding, infection or inflammation.

Cup Size Not Good Enough

After some time, some women feel that their cup size feels wrong. Some want to reduce their breast size while others opt for larger implants. Most women are content with their breast size after their surgery but as years pass and trends change, there are patients who change their minds as well. It is possible to have you implants replaced for a smaller or larger size but you have to consult with your plastic surgeon first.

Take this information so can make informed decisions regarding your body and health. It is best to consult with your plastic surgeon first before you go and have your breast implants replaced.