Being a mom is equivalent to having more than one full-time job. They usually don’t have time to tend to their own selves due to the responsibilities they face each day.

A lot of women actually struggle to get back in shape after they give birth to their children. They want to have their pre-baby bodies back so they have to squeeze in time for exercising into their busy schedules.

Lauren Bays, a mother of three from Atlanta wants to have her slim figure back. Pregnancy and childbirth has its toll on a woman’s body. In order to battle the baby weight, she wakes up early to start her day with an hour of workout. After that, she has to take care of the kids and make sure they are all ready for the day.

Aside from being a parent, she also has a full-time job which makes it harder for her to keep track of her weight. All her kids, ranging from 20 months to 7 years old, were born via C-section. She noticed that even after all her efforts to eat right and have a fitness regimen, her body is just not responding. She feels that she’s overweight and would want to have her pre-baby body back.

When Nothing Else Works

Her workout regimen does not seem to be working at all and her tummy is still lumpy. After breastfeeding her kids, she feels insecure about her sagging breasts. When she heard about this new trend in plastic surgery, the Dallas mommy makeover, she felt it could just be her chance to have her figure back. She searched for the right plastic surgeon and did her research well in order to have a successful procedure.

“Mommy Makeover” is more of a marketing term than a procedure. It is actually a combination of plastic surgery procedures that aims to address the common issues associated with giving birth or passing years. Most women want flat tummies and perky muffin tops after they gave birth to the kids. This is usually the option they choose though it is done for a price.

Mommy makeovers are usually a combination of liposuction, tummy tuck in Dallas TX and breast augmentation surgeries. It requires a few hours on the operation table and long post-op recovery period. Not only that, it also comes at a price. But, patients like Lauren Bays are willing to invest on their happiness especially if they are still young and have a lot of good years left. They wouldn’t want to spend it being insecure with their bodies.