We are used to hearing about plastic surgeons performing eye lifts, facelifts and body lifts. However, there are specialists called oculoplastic surgeons who focus on the eye and adjacent areas. If you think you need to seek help for a problem on your eyes, you should look for an oculoplastic surgeon . They have more expertise when it comes to the medical conditions related to the eye.

This website directs you to an oculoplastic surgeon with eyelid surgery Palm Desert clinic.

Oculoplastic surgeons perform reconstructive, reparative and cosmetic surgeries on the tissues surrounding the eye. They may perform surgery on the lacrimal system (tear glands), eyelids, and even the orbit or the bony area where the eyeball rests. Oculoplastic surgery is a subspecialty of Ophthalmology.

Surgeons who specialize in oculoplastic surgery may perform:

•    Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery
•    Surgery on the eyelids for treatment of ectopion and entropion
•    Brow ptosis repair
•    Mohs micrographic surgery for eyelid cancer
•    Orbital or Facial surgery
•    Dacryocystorhinostomy for treating tearing and tear duct problems
•    Management and treatment of periocular injuries

Specialists are difficult to find

There are plenty of medical doctors taking additional training in plastic surgery in order to join the industry. It is undeniable that there are thousands of patients seeking cosmetic procedures each year.

Some need reconstructive surgery for their medical conditions while others would risk to undergo plastic surgery procedures to improve a part of their body.

With a number of less experienced surgeons now taking part in cosmetic surgery, it is very important to check the certifications and training of the doctor. Not only that, specialists have undergone rigorous training from the top institutions. They are also active in research which allows them to refine their skills while looking for new techniques that would help them achieve optimal results for their patients.

Cosmetic procedures by oculoplastic surgeons

Botox applications, eyelid surgery and dermal filler injections in this exclusive area are better done by an oculoplastic surgeon. They know the relationship between function and anatomy of the eye which means they know how to achieve the best results without compromising facial expression.

Nobody wants a frozen and expressionless face!

Cosmetic procedures and techniques are not limited to reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. They also have other applications in the medical field for treatment of conditions and disorders. They are popular for cosmetic applications due to the high demand for such procedures because people want to find a way to turn back the clock.

One such procedure is Botox which is one of the most popular and sought after anti-aging procedure not only in the United States but in different countries around the world. Another is this novel technique for achieving a youthful look using your own blood.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a small portion of your blood which is rich in growth factors, stem cells and platelets. PRP is considered a bioactive stimulator and not a chemical filler. The constituents of PRP stimulate collagen production in the skin which is the reason why it is used for cosmetic procedures. The platelet rich plasma also promotes and speeds up the healing process which makes it ideal for treating sports injuries.

PRP Injections for Skin Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Platelet rich plasma injections are new anti-aging non-invasive cosmetic procedures that are offered by a lot of plastic surgeons nowadays. Injection of PRP into the skin allows for faster formation of collagen on that area. It has been found that PRP is effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles, improving the skin tone and texture and smoothing out wrinkled hands.

Check a photo gallery of the effects of PRP injections on wrinkles and fine lines.

PRP for Sports Injuries

Athletes are prone to musculoskeletal conditions and PRP therapy is one of the newest non-surgical treatment physicians are using for these types of injury. The high concentration of growth and healing factor together with the help of stem cells, PRP speeds up the natural healing process of the body. Not only does it promote the natural healing response to the injury, the effects are also long-lasting.

The Best Thing About PRP

Unlike other treatment options, platelet rich plasma is autologous to your body meaning it comes from your body, your own blood, your own plasma and that puts you in very low risk to allergic reaction. It is 100% safe because it is not artificial or modified in any way. It is nonsurgical unlike other cosmetic procedures such as butt lift Atlanta.

Platelet rich plasma injections may be used for smoothing out your fine lines and wrinkles on your skin, neck or hands as well as for treating injuries such as tendonitis, ankle sprains and ligament sprains. Make sure the practitioner who does the procedure is licensed to do it and has the necessary certifications for practicing plastic surgery.

Yes, you have to change your implants after several years. I’m not saying you have to have it taken out after five years.  That largely depends on the situation. You might know some women who have had the same implants for a decade or so but that does not guarantee that their implants do not need to be replaced.

Breast silicone and saline implants need to be taken out and exchanged for a fresh pair after a couple of years, say 10-15 years. Yes, there may be no need for breast implant exchange if you do not develop some complications such as serious scarring, capsular contraction or implant rupture. However, implants are not permanent; you have to go back to your doctor after some time to know if you need to have them replaced.

How will you know that your implants need to be replaced?

Have you observed some change in your implant placement or size? Can you feel some discomfort on your chest? Do you think your cup size could have a little improvement? These are some of the questions that you have to ask yourself to know whether or not your implants need to be explanted and replaced. We’ll tackle these in detail shortly.

Visit this must-see site for breast implant information http://newportplastic.com/.

Change in Implant Size or Shift in Placement

One of the common choices of implants is saline-filled implants. The problem with these implants is they can leak and there can be obvious change in shape and size. Though saline implants are not dangerous to the body, the noticeable change in the size and shape of the breasts would call for a revision surgery. Sometimes, the implants move from their desired positions and could result to deformed breasts. 

Complications Can Cause Discomfort or Pain

Breast surgery complications should be addressed promptly before these lead to more serious conditions. Capsular contracture can occur in some cases and there can be pain or discomfort when the scar tissue (capsule) tightens around the implants. The plastic surgeon knows how to handle such situations. You should call him as soon as you see some bleeding, infection or inflammation.

Cup Size Not Good Enough

After some time, some women feel that their cup size feels wrong. Some want to reduce their breast size while others opt for larger implants. Most women are content with their breast size after their surgery but as years pass and trends change, there are patients who change their minds as well. It is possible to have you implants replaced for a smaller or larger size but you have to consult with your plastic surgeon first.

Take this information so can make informed decisions regarding your body and health. It is best to consult with your plastic surgeon first before you go and have your breast implants replaced.

Sun spots, age spots, and uneven skintone can ruin your good complexion. Hyperpigmentation or the overproduction of melanin can be caused by several factors. The most common factor is overexposure to the sun. However, there are different treatments that can help reduce hyperpigmentation. You can either buy over-the-counter bleaching kits or get a chemical peel, check out your options.

There are a lot of other causes for skin coloration that you do not know about. From your laptop computer to your bra straps, there are plenty of causes for hyperpigmentation that you might now know about. In this article, we will discuss the things that can lead to skin coloration.

1.       Surge of Hormones – Pregnancy is one of the main causes of hormonal changes. Within those 9 months, women may experience hyperpigmentation in certain areas of their body. The fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone can lead to melanin production. Birth control pills also lead to skin coloration. Try looking for another form of birth control if pills lead to hyperpigmentation.

2.        Laptop Computers – We usually rest our computers on our laps and little do we know that it can lead to skin coloration when done constantly. A condition called “erythema ab igne” is caused by the warmth of the exhaust from your computer. It appears as patches of discoloration on your thighs. When you use your laptop for hours at a time and for several months, you might contract this skin discoloration.

3.       Removal of Facial Hair – Hair on the upper lip or chin are usually subjects of facial hair removal. However, waxing, depilatory creams and tweezing can lead to post-inflammatory pigmentation. Hydrocortisone creams can help with the problem just make sure that you stay away from harsh chemicals.

4.       Stay Away from the Citrus – Don’t we just love to squeeze lime or lemon into our cocktail drinks when it’s hot outside and everybody’s enjoying a great pool party? Dermatologists say that when you leave the fruit juices on your hand and you get exposed to the sun, you might get what they call “the bartender’s sunburn”. The burnt marks will follow that of the drip marks on your skin.

5.       What about your Bra – It is important that you get the right size of brassiere, but if you have on that’s too tight, the constant friction of the bra rubbing into your skin can lead to pigmentation. Loosen the straps of your bra so they don’t dig into your skin.

You can go visit your dermatologist or head over to a medical spa Los Angeles if you are ever near one.

When we say that there are a lot of available options for taking good care of your skin, we mean the surgical to non-surgical plastic surgery procedures. Well, don’t you see the different bottles of skin care products and treatments that you find in your bathroom? Is that not evident enough that you, along with millions of other people, are concerned about their skin?

That is recognized by skin care companies and manufacturers, too! They have turned our concern for the largest organ in the body into one of the largest industries – the beauty industry. From cosmetic surgery San Gabriel Valley clinics to medical spas to beauty companies, products and services for improving skin care is undeniably a lucrative business.

Skin Care Options to Confuse You

Aging, lifestyle and a lot of other factors contribute to the fast deterioration of the body. The skin shows the most visible signs of abuse you inflict on your body.

Smoking and overexposure to UV radiation only speeds up aging. Wrinkled skin is a big no-no for most of us though some embrace their fine lines and sagging skin.

Plastic surgery has provided an avenue for people who want to keep their skin looking young and flawless. Facial aging can be reversed and/or delayed by way of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Facelifts, eyelid lifts and brow lifts are some of the surgical procedures that can take away the sagging skin that tend to form the wrinkles and make you look older.

Dermal fillers, botox injections and laser treatments are also popular choices among people who do not necessarily see surgery as an option to look young. Also, these are considerably less costly than actually going under the knife. However, the effects are not as permanent as surgical procedures. Injectables and fillers can achieve the desired effect in a matter of hours but may last for only a few months. View this site for more information.

Botox, a popular go-to solution for wrinkles, is the most commonly performed nonsurgical procedure according to statistics presented by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. It is derived from the poison which causes food poisoning. When you are considering of getting botox injections, remember to look for the best plastic surgeon. Botox complications usually include frozen expressions, headaches and the most serious, difficulty breathing or swallowing. When administered more than the allowable dosage, it can cause poisoning and paralysis of untargeted muscles.

Skin care options are really diverse and due to number of possible opportunities, it is fairly confusing which one has the best effect. It largely depends on your skin type but you should make a visit with your dermatologist first.

There are a lot of people who claim that they always lack sleep. This should be taken seriously as there could be a lot of factors involved that causes sleep disturbances. There are different types of insomnia as well and it is important that you know which of this you are suffering from before you go find the cure.

A lot of people seek help from medical professionals because they cannot fall or stay asleep. In the past year, more and more people have gone to ask for help regarding their sleeping conditions. Data from the Department of Health and Human Services show that, on 2007, there are about 64M Americans suffering from insomnia while 10% of that are diagnosed with chronic conditions.

There are three types of insomnia – transient, acute or chronic. Transient insomnia lasts not more than 7 days while acute or short-term insomnia may last up to 3 weeks. The causes for these short-lasting sleep disturbances are too much caffeine, too much food ingested at night or there has been a change in your normal routines and activities.

Physical stressors such as too much noise or too much light can keep you awake. You can also acquire insomnia when you are anticipating a big event in your life which makes you feel afraid or anxious. You might be about to take an exam or be moving out of your parent’s house. Changes in your work shifts can also damage your body clock and cause you to have insomnia for a couple of days or weeks. There are over the counter or prescription pills that could help you fall asleep.

Chronic insomnia can last for more than a month and can be caused by a physical or mental condition. This is referred to as primary (disorder) insomnia. On the other hand, when insomnia is only a symptom of an underlying condition, it is referred to as secondary disorder.

Pharmacists are continually exploring new drugs that could help people who complain of sleep deprivation. It is known that insomnia can lead to decreased alertness, increased anxiety and stress as well as aches and pains.

To help improve sleep and restfulness, there are a lot of pharmacy companies such as that of Dr Hootan Melamed that develop new medicines for insomnia view this article. Just recently they have announced the new drug they have come up with. If people who do not get enough sleep address these issues, insomnia can be prevented.

Being a mom is equivalent to having more than one full-time job. They usually don’t have time to tend to their own selves due to the responsibilities they face each day.

A lot of women actually struggle to get back in shape after they give birth to their children. They want to have their pre-baby bodies back so they have to squeeze in time for exercising into their busy schedules.

Lauren Bays, a mother of three from Atlanta wants to have her slim figure back. Pregnancy and childbirth has its toll on a woman’s body. In order to battle the baby weight, she wakes up early to start her day with an hour of workout. After that, she has to take care of the kids and make sure they are all ready for the day.

Aside from being a parent, she also has a full-time job which makes it harder for her to keep track of her weight. All her kids, ranging from 20 months to 7 years old, were born via C-section. She noticed that even after all her efforts to eat right and have a fitness regimen, her body is just not responding. She feels that she’s overweight and would want to have her pre-baby body back.

When Nothing Else Works

Her workout regimen does not seem to be working at all and her tummy is still lumpy. After breastfeeding her kids, she feels insecure about her sagging breasts. When she heard about this new trend in plastic surgery, the Dallas mommy makeover, she felt it could just be her chance to have her figure back. She searched for the right plastic surgeon and did her research well in order to have a successful procedure.

“Mommy Makeover” is more of a marketing term than a procedure. It is actually a combination of plastic surgery procedures that aims to address the common issues associated with giving birth or passing years. Most women want flat tummies and perky muffin tops after they gave birth to the kids. This is usually the option they choose though it is done for a price.

Mommy makeovers are usually a combination of liposuction, tummy tuck in Dallas TX and breast augmentation surgeries. It requires a few hours on the operation table and long post-op recovery period. Not only that, it also comes at a price. But, patients like Lauren Bays are willing to invest on their happiness especially if they are still young and have a lot of good years left. They wouldn’t want to spend it being insecure with their bodies.

You would hear about a lot of types and forms of yoga these days. They can be as outrageous as karaoke yoga. Now, the newest trend is face yoga, meant to keep your facial muscles in prime condition thus keeping your skin looking youthful despite your age.

A lot of people have grown curious about face yoga. Just when people are making funny faces in front of the mirror, others are rushing in for their Dallas plastic surgeons' appointments. There are certainly a lot of ways to look young. Others opt for botox and facelifts while some choose natural ways such as facial yoga. The only downside is, they might get a few snickers behind their backs when their husbands or kids see them doing the “fish face” routine.

What is Facial Yoga?

Face yoga was developed and popularized Annelise Hagen on her book about how to do the exercises that would ultimately replace facelift. She says that this is not a random squirming of the face.

There is a certain technique that is observed so as to reduce and not increase the appearance of wrinkles. Supporters of facial yoga claim that it helped them achieve a youthful look.

The different facial exercises of yoga for the face targets different muscle groups. It aims to stretch all the muscles in the face. The foolish-looking “fish face” actually firms the cheeks and lips while the “lion face” stretches all the facial muscles. There are other routines that tones and exercises the cheeks, lips and jaw.

Hagen claims that according to scientific studies, exercising the muscles can promote the production of proteins that help keep your skin elastic and young-looking. Collagen as well as elastin production are enhanced by muscle activity. Thus, you can’t just stand in front of your mirror and make weird random faces or else, you’d get more wrinkles! Check this recommended site.

Plastic surgeons are also beginning to see the good in this technique. Dermatologists are recommending this to their patients. Face yoga stimulates the muscles of the face thus leading to collagen production which, in turn, helps turn back the hands of the clock. Aside from reducing wrinkles, it also releases tension. However, unlike Botox and facelifts, it could take time before any visible effects can occur.

Plastic surgery are still the go-to of most men and women. However,facial yoga is gaining popularity and Hagen says that the demand for these exercises have increased enormously.